Migrants, crossings from France to UK continue despite tragedies in the Channel

Another dinghy has been spotted in the same stretch of sea the day after it sank, killing 12 people, including a pregnant woman and six minors. Authorities in France and the United Kingdom are trying to stem the emergency


Another boat loaded with migrants has been spotted in the English Channel on Wednesday attempting to reach the UK from the coasts of France, the day after the tragedy that cost the lives of 12 people.

The dinghy was carrying 40-50 migrants according to maritime authoritieswell beyond its carrying capacity. According to reporters filming the vessel from the French coast in Wimereux, some of the migrants were sitting partially overboard and not all were wearing life jackets.

A French patrol boat managed to approach the group and throw life jackets.

“Every day is like this for us. The traffickers continue to insistently send people to die in the Canal”, declared the mayor of Wimereux, Jean-Luc Dubaële. “This is really unacceptable, it is scandalous. It is time to find a lasting solution with Britain,” he added.

Twelve Dead in Channel Migrant Tragedy

The sighting follows the sinking of a vessel on Tuesday, whose bottom was torn open in the same stretch of sea, killing 12 people, mostly women and minors. On the same day, other clandestine boats had successfully completed the crossing.

According to British government data, at least 21,720 migrants have managed to cross the Channel this year, 3 percent more than in the same period in 2023 (19 percent less than the previous year).

Migrants risk the journey because they are hunted from all sides. They don’t want to take any risks, but the smugglers are putting pressure on them, saying that the window to leave is short” he commented Dany Patou of Osmose 62, a migrant advocacy organization.

To successfully tackle smuggling networks, “immigration legislation between the UK and France should be harmonised”, the French Interior Minister commented, Gerard Darmanin.

The British counterpart, Yvette Coopercalled the accident “horrific and deeply tragic” and paid tribute to the French rescuers “who undoubtedly saved many lives, but unfortunately could not save everyone”.

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