Ukraine’s new Justice Minister will also oversee EU accession process

The new Justice Minister, Olha Stefanishyna, a former Deputy Prime Minister, will also oversee the process of accession to the European Union


Stefanishina’s eyes it’s the new one Minister of Justice of Ukraine. Until a few days ago she was deputy prime minister with responsibility forEuropean and Euro-Atlantic integrationthe representative of the president’s party Volodymyr Zelensky he accepted the new role considering it to be in continuity with the previous one.

In his opinion, Ukraine’s aspirations are join the European Union They imply a process of profound reforms for the nation that has been at war with Russia for two and a half years.

Thousands of amendments needed to bring Ukrainian law into line with European law

For the new minister, the reforms are particularly important and will be “supervised” by her own ministry. For this reason, she announced changes within the ministry she is about to direct: “The Ministry of Justice – she explained – will be expandedand will go to take care of the new big challenge linked to the alignment of the legal framework Ukrainian than the EU. This is a particularly complex task, which will be coordinated from the Ministry of Justice”.

“Basically – added Stefanishyna – the adhesion process European Union is about our values, the rule of law and fundamental principles. This is why the responsibility of the supervision of the entire process will remain in the hands of the ministry. No one is pulling in their oars in Ukraine: we can make adjustments, improve the aspects necessary for the functioning of the country, so that it is functional and efficient. And if another reshuffle is necessary, we will do it.”

New ministers after government reshuffle in Ukraine

Stefanishyna is known to Brusselsbecause he was part of the delegations that started the negotiations for the entry into the EU by Kiev. In a speech to parliament, before the appointment, he said that it is necessary “thousands of changes” to Ukrainian lawto align with the community one.

The government reshuffle wanted by Zelensky includes numerous other new ministers: Vitalii Koval for Agricultural Policy and Food, Herman Smetanin for Strategic Industries, Nataliya Kalmykova for Veterans Affairs, Mykola Tochytsky for Culture, Matviy Bidny for Youth and Sports, Svitlana Grynchuk for Environment and Natural Resources, and Oleksiy Kuleba for Community and Territorial Development.

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