How to make a shortcrust pastry braid to make your tart unique


If you want make your tarts uniqueyou can make a cover for the roof shortcrust pastry braidingwhich will make your preparation more spectacular, ideal to serve also for a dessert buffet.

To make it you just need to prepare the shortcrust pastry and let it rest in the fridge, before rolling it out and then creating the braid, following the instructions in our Melissa. Once the braiding is finished, it will have to rest again in the fridge or freezer, before placing it on the cake tin with the filling of your choice and bake your tart in the oven for about half an hour. In a short time you will create a unique covering for your tart and amaze your guests. Here’s how to do it.

How to make shortcrust pastry braiding

To make your shortcrust pastry braid you will need: 120 g of sugar, 120 g of butter, 1 egg + 1 yolk, 330 g of 00 flour, 4 g of baking powder.



Work the butter with the flour until you get a sandy effect. Add the sugar, flour and finally the egg, work quickly and let it rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Roll out the shortcrust pastry between two sheets of baking paper and cut out strips about 0.5 cm wide. Draw the outline of the cake pan on a sheet of baking paper, so as to have some reference points. Start by taking three strips together and place them horizontally on the center of the outline.


Continue by taking 3 more strips joined and put them in the opposite direction. Continue like this, intertwining the strips three by three as you see in the video. Once you have finished the intertwining, place it gently in the fridge or freezer.


Once cooled, place it on the cake pan with the filling of your choice, cut off the excess edges. Bake at 175 °C for about 30 minutes. Serve your tart.

Sorgente ↣ :

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