the Italian-American recipe for rolled pizza

Stromboli Pizza Recipe


for the dough

Extra virgin olive oil

for the filling

Dry mozzarella for pizza

Extra virgin olive oil

you also need

Extra virgin olive oil

There Stromboli pizza It’s a recipe of American origin made with typical Italian ingredients, such as mozzarella, salami and fresh tomato sauce. It is a rolled pizza, very similar in appearance to a large stuffed calzoneideal to be enjoyed in slices as well as appetizers be it as single dish to bring to the table for a convivial dinner with family or friends.

To make it, you just need to work the sifted flour with the brewer’s yeast dissolved in warm water, extra virgin olive oil and a teaspoon of salt, then leave to risepizza dough at room temperature for about a couple of hours, and then roll out the dough with a rolling pin until it doubles in volume to form a rectangle that is not too thin. At this point it will be sufficient to distribute the dough evenly over the base tomato pureethen add the Mozzarella dry, thinly sliced, the slices of salami and the black olives pitted, and then wrap the dough around the filling to obtain a regular sausage.

Once you have folded the ends slightly, all you have to do is brush the rustic with a drizzle of oil and cook everything in a hot oven at 190 °C for about 40 minutes: the final result will be a leavened salty, fragrant on the outside and stringy at the heart, ideal to offer even at breakfast timeaperitif or for a buffet lunch.

Little curiosity. According to some, the Stromboli pizza was invented in the 1950s by Nazarene Romanowner of the Romano’s Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria in Philadelphia, to pay homage to the film of the same name directed by Roberto Rossellini. According to others, however, the name refers to its steaming filling that recalls, in fact, the famous volcano on the island of Stromboli.

Discover how to prepare rolled pizza following the step-by-step procedure and tips. If you liked this recipe, also try the Sicilian scaccia or try with others traditional Italian-American dishes.

How to make Stromboli pizza

To bring the Stromboli pizza to the table, you will first have to prepare the dough with brewer’s yeast, water, flour, oil and salt. Once it has doubled in volume and rolled out into a not too thin rectangle, all you have to do is decide whether to fill it as per our instructions with tomato, mozzarella, salami and pitted olives, or whether to vary the filling with your favorite ingredients available in the fridge.

Prepare the pizza dough

Sift the flour into a bowl and add the brewer’s yeast dissolved in warm water 1.

Pour the salt and extra virgin olive oil 2 and mix the ingredients with the prongs of a fork.

Continue kneading with your hands until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous dough. 3then cover with a sheet of cling film and leave to rise for a couple of hours.

Once doubled in volume 4turn the dough out onto a floured work surface and roll it out with a rolling pin into a rectangle.

Stuff the rolled pizza and cook it in the oven

Season the tomato puree with a pinch of salt and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and distribute it evenly over the rectangle of pasta. 5.

Stuff with thinly sliced ​​mozzarella, salami and pitted olives, and roll up the rectangle starting from the long side 6 until it forms a sausage.

Place the resulting cylinder on a baking tray with baking paper and fold the ends slightly 7.

Brush the surface with a drizzle of oil and put in a hot oven at 190 °C for about 40 minutes. After the time has elapsed, take the pizza out of the oven 8 and let it settle for a few minutes at room temperature.

Slice the Stromboli pizza 9bring to the table and serve.


According to personal taste, you can vary the filling by adding anchovy fillets in oil, desalted capers, to the rest of the ingredients, dried cherry tomatoes in fillets, a sprinkling of oregano or other aromatic herbs to your liking, you can replace the salami with cooked ham, capocollo, speck, bresaola or a crumbled and pan-fried sausage, or you can choose any other cheese as an alternative to the mozzarella. stretched curd cheesesuch as provola or scamorza.

To speed up preparation times, you can buy ready-made pizza dough in the refrigerated shelves of the supermarket, while if you don’t have brewer’s yeast available freshyou can use 7 grams of that dehydrated.


Stromboli pizza should be eaten hot and fragrant immediately. If you have any left over, keep it in the fridge, covered with cling film, for 2 days maximum. Alternatively, you can choose to freeze the raw dough or the stuffed roll: you just need to defrost it in the fridge overnight and then proceed as per our instructions.

Sorgente ↣ :

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