the recipe for a genuine and tasty side dish


THE’seaweed salad It is a tasty and very simple preparation, ideal at any time of the year. It can be made in a few minutes and is perfect to serve as an original side on the occasion of an ethnic dinner with friends, perhaps accompanied by a second course of salmon in teriyaki sauce oh of the homemade sushi.

The recipe calls for the use of ingredients that are easily found in specialized shops. Asian Foodsbut also in well-stocked supermarkets: wakame seaweed dried, carrots, spring onion and daikona Japanese radish with a characteristic white color and a fresh and slightly spicy taste. To prepare it, you will need rehydrate the seaweed in hot water for a few minutes, collect them in a large bowl together with the vegetables, cleaned and cut into strips, then garnish with sesame seeds and grated fresh ginger.

All that remains is to sprinkle everything with a sweet and sour dressing made from sesame oil, soy sauce, brown sugar and rice vinegar, and that’s it. The result is a dish fragrant and aromatic, which will conquer the palate of the most demanding guest. In addition to being truly delicious, it also turns out to be rich in benefits: wakame seaweed, in fact, is a concentrate of vegetable proteinsessential amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts and fiber, and contributes to the correct functioning of metabolism and intestine. Given the large amount of iodine and selenium, it is still recommended to consume a maximum of 4 grams per day.

Of course, you can customize the salad as you like, using other types of seaweed, vegetables and seeds: take a look at our suggestions for the right inspiration.

Find out how to prepare seaweed salad by following the step-by-step procedure and tips. If you liked this recipe, also try the miso soupThe Poke bowl and the tamagoyaki with spring onions and nori seaweed.

How to make seaweed salad

Place the wakame seaweed in a bowl, then cover it completely with hot water. 1.

Let them soak for about 3 minutes 2; alternatively, you can soak them in cold water for 10 minutes.

When they are well hydrated and soft, drain them 3 and squeeze them well to eliminate excess water.

Meanwhile, peel the spring onion, carrots and daikon, then cut all the vegetables into thin strips. 4.

Collect the sesame oil and soy sauce in a small bowl 5 and a drop of vinegar.

Also add the brown sugar 6.

Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon 7.

Combine the seaweed and vegetables in a large bowl. 8.

Mix with wooden chopsticks or two spoons 9.

Season with the prepared emulsion 10 and, only if necessary, add a pinch of salt.

Grate the fresh ginger 11.

And complete with sesame seeds 12.

The seaweed salad is ready to be enjoyed 13.


We preferred not to add salt, since the wakame seaweed and soy sauce are already quite salty, but you can decide to use it according to your tastes, remembering to don’t overdo it with the quantities. In addition to wakame, you can also use Hijiki and Arame seaweedsoaking them for 15 minutes in cold water, then blanching them for 5 minutes, so that they remain crunchy.

You can use the vegetables you like the most, as long as they are firm and suitable for consume raw: for example, zucchini, celery and cucumbers will work well. If you don’t have rice vinegar or sesame oil, you can replace them with apple cider vinegar and extra virgin olive oil respectively. In addition, you can use your own favorite seedssuch as sunflower, pumpkin or mixed, and add a spicy note with some chopped fresh chili pepper.


The seaweed salad can be stored in the refrigerator, tightly closed in an airtight container, for 1 day to the utmost.

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