Former MEPs seek jobs: Here are the EU’s ‘revolving door’ rules

This article was originally published in English

Post-mandate restrictions for members of European institutions impose a cooling-off period between the end of their mandate and the possibility of engaging in lobbying activities


After a few weeks of summer break, MEPs are back in Brusselsreviewing their files and attending return-to-work meetings. Others, who lost their seats in the June elections, they could start a new job in the EU bubble.

But what rules apply to them when looking for a new job?

Following the so-called Qatargatea political scandal that came to light in 2022 that has involving MEPs and lobbyists who allegedly received funds from Qatari governmentsMorocco and Mauritania to promote their interests, the European Parliament has tightened its rules on transparency and integrity.

Lobbying activities in the EU Parliament banned for at least six months after the end of the mandate

Former MEPs are now banned from lobbying the Parliament for six months after their mandate ends. For those who lost their seats in June, this cooling-off period is still ongoing.

For Transparency International, a six-month reflection period is not enough long. “It was just to add something, because we all know that in the first six months of the mandate, practically nothing happens. The committees are still to be created. There is very little legislative activity,” Shari Hind, EU political integrity policy officer at Transparency International, told Euronews.

According to Hind, This blocking of activities should be equivalent to the period during which MEPs receive their allowance transitional,* which is still paid for by taxpayers. “The transitional allowance lasts five to 24 months, depending on the length of service. So we think the best time to have this reflection period should be equivalent to the transitional allowance,” Hind said.

Once this period has passed, Former MEPs must list their lobbying activities in the EU Transparency Register like everyone else. The mandatory database lists organisations that seek to influence the legislative and decision-making processes of the European institutions.

Furthermore, former MEPs are allowed to access the premises of the European Parliament in their previous capacity, but they cannot use this access to put pressure on the Parliament.

The practice of “revolving doors”

According to a report published by Transparency International, in 2017 over 50 percent of former Commissioners and 30 percent of former MEPs who had left politics worked for organisations registered in the EU lobby register.

The report “Access all areas: when Eu politicians become lobbyists” showed that companies were employing former officials to gain access to the political decision-making process. This practice is called “revolving doors”. It refers to the practice of hire people in the private sector who have worked in the public sector.

In addition to their knowledge of particular issues, these former public officials are attractive to the private sector because of their networks. “It’s a matter of the contacts they can have. And the influence they can have,” Hind said.

For example, in 2017, 50 percent of Google’s registered lobbyists worked for the EU. Moreover, are the “revolving doors” really democratic if, while still in office, MEPs can already have unofficial contacts with other entities?

“There is It is worth asking whether they are working to represent, for example in the case of MEPs, the citizens who elected them or the new employer“Hind explained. Once the employee takes up his new role, he will use the contacts he had as a public servant,” Hind added.

Hind said it was difficult to quantify and regulate this practice because of the grey area surrounding the definition of lobbying: “Sometimes there are activities that would not necessarily be defined as lobbying, but which nevertheless influence the EU’s decision-making process.”

What are the rules for other EU officials?

For the 2024-2029 legislative term, the European Parliament will have 720 seats, 15 more MEPs than in the previous legislative term. Some 54 percent of MEPs are newcomers, slightly down from 61 percent in 2019. This means that Around 350 MEPs lost their seats in June.


Portugal has the highest rate of MEP renewal (95 percent), with 20 new MEPs out of 21. Estonia has the lowest rate of MEP renewal (14 percent), with one new MEP out of seven. The reflection period varies for other civil servants.

Garlic Former European Commission members banned from lobbying for two years after the end of their duties on matters related to their previous portfolio. During this period, they must notify the institution if they intend to start a new professional activity.

The legal term for the former Presidents of the European Commission is three yearsfor former Presidents of the European Council it is 18 months and for senior management roles it is one year. Other civil servants must obtain the approval of their superiors before retraining in lobbying.

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