How is violence rotting the presidential campaign in the United States? Ask our columnist your questions

Hello, gun violence is high in the United States, that’s a fact, made worse by the number of guns in circulation, a real epidemic that is spreading even to countries close to the United States. Nevertheless. For years, we have been witnessing a worrying rise in the acceptance of violence in politics. An atmospheric violence that Donald Trump has continued to fuel. We must remember that as early as 2016 he could say about his presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton: ” If she gets to pick her judges, there’s nothing you guys can do. Although, with the Second Amendment [qui sanctuarise l’accès aux armes]– maybe there is a solution, I don’t know “By playing on the unsaid, the suggested, the implicit, Donald Trump has fueled incendiary speeches that notably led to the January 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol in Washington. Polls continue to show that a growing minority of Republicans consider violence acceptable in response to the situation the United States is going through, they are now joined by a much smaller, but real, minority of Democrats viscerally hostile to the former businessman as shown by the foiled attack attempt on September 15 that targeted him.

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